To recap, I made the slow-method seitan base and then decided on three cooking methods: Oven-roasted, Seitan Oven Roll-Up, and the classic, Stewed in a broth. Oven-roasted (Method 1)was clearly superior for this type of seitan preparation, as previously mentioned, but I feel I should display the full results of the test.
Method 2
This is borrowed from the Seitan Recipe O' Greatness and involves rolling up your seitan into a log and cooking it in a 350 degree oven for 1-1.5 hours. Unfortunately the aforementioned Seitan Recipe O' Greatness relies on the fast seitan method rather than the slow, and my test results were o' shittiness.
All rolled up and ready to go!
Here's the roll all puffed up, post-oven:
So, in rolling up my wheat meat, I neglected to coat the aluminum foil in any sort of anti-sticking agent and thus, could only get the foil off of maybe one third of the seitan. Luckily for me, it tasted like ass. Here's what I could salvage from the Roll-Up, looking bread-y and strange with its stewed friend:
Method 3
Place the seitan in a broth made up of water, vegetable stock, soy sauce and any other kind of seasoning you may want. Make sure there is plenly of liquid to cover. Cook anywhere from 1 to 1.5 hours.
Here's the seitan chilling in its broth (note the glistening on top that comes from homemade vegetable stock):
And here it is after being removed and sliced:
Time will tell if the broth-stewed seitan will reveal a new usefulness once ground up in the food processor with spices. Results tomorrow!
Wheat Meat Loaf! Wheat Meat Loaf!